When a child is struggling in school, navigating the intervention and support process a school system offers can often be challenging and overwhelming to parents. Our practices assist parents in working with the school to identify and develop an effective intervention plan to meet their child’s needs. The aim is to help families understand their options so they can make truly informed choices for their child, over time. Because each child and each family is unique, effective education advocacy will depend on individual family goals.
This service is offered by the following Practices:
Lisa Ahern, Ph.D., PLLC
Kelly Anthony, Ph.D., PLLC
Robyn Claar, Ph.D., PLLC
Rebecca Dingfelder, Ph.D., PLLC
Eve Fontaine, Ph.D., PLLC
Advocacy services may include attending meetings with parents and their child’s school teams or teacher-parent conferences, consulting with teachers and school staff on the parents behalf, reviewing intervention plans including Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), interpreting evaluations and assessments, explaining services that your child may be entitled to, parental rights, and educational terminology.