Why would I benefit from this service?

      • Increased understanding of behavioral/emotional patterns of behavior

      • Recommendations for intervention

      • Reliable referrals, if necessary, to experts that can help with symptoms

      • Reliable differential diagnosis

      • Documentation of diagnosis in written format

This service is offered by the following Practices:

Lisa Ahern, Ph.D., PLLC

Kelly Anthony, Ph.D., PLLC

Our practices offer comprehensive evaluations for children whose parents have concerns about their child’s difficulties with socialization, communication, transition, change, or

behavior, and/or sensory issues. Evaluations are approached with a high level of expertise

in development (including Autism, Aspergers, and Pervasive Developmental Disorders) that allows accurate diagnosis and formulation of how symptoms are having an impact on overall functioning. Evaluations are completed with a goal of diagnosis as well as educating the client (and families) about what the diagnosis means and which interventions would be beneficial in improving functioning across settings.


Step 1-Clinical Interview and Information Gathering:

An in depth diagnostic interview will be conducted with the parents to gather detailed information regarding the child’s developmental, health, academic, social and family history. This step typically involves a comprehensive review of presenting concerns and a review of relevant records (previous evaluation reports, report cards, work samples). If the child is enrolled in a preschool or school setting, we will speak to their teacher(s) and possibly observe the child in his/her classroom setting.

Step 2-Assessment:

The child will be evaluated using evidenced based assessment measures, such as the

Autism Diagnostic Observation System (ADOS). It may also be necessary to test cognitive functioning and/or academic achievement skills.

Parents will complete various behavior rating scales used to assess symptoms associated with emotional/behavioral concerns as well as adaptive functioning. Since best practice in assessment involves gathering information about a child’s functioning across settings, we

will also attempt to obtain rating scales from teachers when applicable.

Step 3-Feedback and Recommendations:

An interpretation session will be scheduled to review the results of the evaluation with the parents. At this time, a more in depth description of the tasks completed and the child’s individual performances will be provided. This session will also include a comprehensive explanation of the diagnosis(es) and recommendations for intervention that may include referrals to other professionals (i.e., occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy), parent education and support, academic accommodations, and behavioral interventions. Parents will be encouraged to ask questions and voice concerns to ensure a full understanding of the findings. Parents will additionally be provided a detailed,

comprehensive report that summarizes all of this information.